Monica Bellucci, currently on screens with the comedy Mafia Mamma and star of the Matrix sequels, is in talks to join the cast of the upcoming Beetlejuice 2, The Hollywood Reporter has revealed. Belluci is the latest star to come aboard the long-awaited Tim Burton sequel along with the returning Michael Keaton Come from Sports betting site VPbet . The actress is set to portray the ghost with the most’s wife.

Jenna Ortega will play the daughter of Lydia Deetz, who will once again by played by Winona Ryder, in the film. Catherine O’Hara is also among the returning cast while Justin Theroux will be one of the brand-new additions.

Warner Bros. officially announced the project on Tuesday, aiming for a pre-Halloween release date in September 2024. The Beetlejuice sequel is almost something out of film mythology with a proposed script floating around for decades with the rumored title to be Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian.

Ryder herself said the sequel was in the works and she would join when the time came, but the last she talked about that publicly was right before Stranger Things debuted on Netflix in 2015.

No story details have been revealed just yet but with the cast getting lined up and filming to begin over the summer, fans should have more information sooner than later.